Place Hold on Applied numerical methods with personal computer /
]]>Place Hold on Principles and procedures of numerical analysis /
]]>Place Hold on Text book of calculus of finite differences and numerical analysis /
]]>Place Hold on Numerical analysis: for scientists and engineers.
]]>Place Hold on Numerical analysis of singular perturbation problems.
]]>Place Hold on Numerical methods for wave equations in geophysical fluid dynamics /
]]>Place Hold on Elementary numerical analysis: an algorithmic approach /
]]>Place Hold on Elementary numerical analysis: an algorithmic approach /
]]>Place Hold on Numerical methods for science and engineering /
]]>Place Hold on Numerical analysis and computation theory and practice /
]]>Place Hold on Theory and applications of numerical analysis /
]]>Place Hold on Elementary numerical analysis: an algorithmic approach.
]]>Place Hold on Numerical methods for scientific and engineering computation.
]]>Place Hold on Biorthogonality and its applications to numerical analysis /
]]>Place Hold on Guide to Matlab:for beginners and experienced users /
]]>Place Hold on Numerical recipes in c++:the art of scientific computing.
]]>Place Hold on Numerical recipes in C:the art of scientific computing /
]]>Place Hold on Numerical analysis:mathematics of scientific computing /
]]>Place Hold on Numerical methods for engineers and scientists.
]]>Place Hold on Practical numerical analysis using microsoft excel /
]]>Place Hold on Biological sequence analysis;probabilistic models of proteins and nucleic acids /
]]>Place Hold on Handbook of numerical analysis:vol.4;numerical methods of solids /