Place Hold on Toxicology of aquatic pollution physiological, cellular and molecular approaches /
]]>Place Hold on Environmental pollution: causes, effects and control /
]]>Place Hold on Agriculture and water quality: international perspectives /
]]>Place Hold on Ecology and pollution of Indian lakes and reservoirs /
]]>Place Hold on Economic evaluation of environmental management programmes /
]]>Place Hold on Environmental pollution and chronic diseases /
]]>Place Hold on International dimensions of industrial pollution /
]]>Place Hold on Chemical and biological methods for water pollution studies /
]]>Place Hold on Air pollution: physical and chemical fundamentals.
]]>Place Hold on Water pollution in India: law and enforcement /
]]>Place Hold on Sunshine and smoke: American writers and the American environment /
]]>Place Hold on Environmental pollution consequences and measures.
]]>Place Hold on Automobile pollution: concerns, priorities and challenges.
]]>Place Hold on Urban enviornmental management: planning for pollution control.
]]>Place Hold on Legal aspects of environmental pollution and its management /
]]>Place Hold on Environmental problems: nature, economy and state /
]]>Place Hold on Controlling pollution: incentives and regulations /
]]>Place Hold on Global air pollution: problems for the future /
]]>Place Hold on Water pollution biology: a laboratory field hand book /