Place Hold on Psychological perspectives of library professionals /
]]>Place Hold on Human development in its social context: a collection exploration /
]]>Place Hold on Philosophical perspectives of humanistic psychology /
]]>Place Hold on Magic years: understanding and handling the problems of early childhood /
]]>Place Hold on Social representations and the development of knowledge /
]]>Place Hold on Abnormal psychology: a clinical approach to psychological deviants
]]>Place Hold on Inner world: psycho-analytic study of childwood and society in India /
]]>Place Hold on Deprivation: its social roots and psychological consequences /
]]>Place Hold on Second handbook of psychological and social instruments /
]]>Place Hold on Introduction to sociology and social psychology /
]]>Place Hold on Other side of development: social psychological implications /
]]>Place Hold on Perspectives on experimental social psychology in India /
]]>Place Hold on Roots of privacy: understanding private and public behaviour /
]]>Place Hold on Street children: a socio-psychological study /
]]>Place Hold on Biopolitics, political psychology and international politics /
]]>Place Hold on Basic mathematical and statistical tables for Psychology and education /
]]>Place Hold on Female to male transsexualism: historical, clinical and theoretical issues /
]]>Place Hold on Quantum healing: exploring the frontiers of mind/body medicine.
]]>Place Hold on Developmental pscychology in India 1975-1986: an annotated bibliography /
]]>Place Hold on Solitude in society: a sociological study in French literature /
]]>Place Hold on Criticism, aesthetics and psychology: a study of the writings of I.A.Richards /
]]>Place Hold on William James: a selection from his writings on psychology /