Place Hold on Laser spectroscopy: basic concepts and instrumention /
]]>Place Hold on Vibrational spectroscopy: theory and applications /
]]>Place Hold on Structure of molecules: an introduction to molecular spectroscopy /
]]>Place Hold on Standards in fluorescence spectrometry: Ultraviolet spectrometry group /
]]>Place Hold on Stereochemical analysis of Alicyclic compounds by C-13 NMR spectroscopy /
]]>Place Hold on Theory and applications of ultraviolet spectroscopy /
]]>Place Hold on CRC hand book of high resolution Infrared laboratory spectra of atmospheric interest /
]]>Place Hold on Atomic structure and chemical bond: including molecular spectroscopy /
]]>Place Hold on Nuclear magnetic resonance in solid polymers /
]]>Place Hold on Ultra-violet and visible spectroscopy: chemical applications /
]]>Place Hold on Molecular spectrosocpy: principles and chemical applications /
]]>Place Hold on Atomic structure and chemical bond: including molecular spectroscopy /
]]>Place Hold on Nuclear magnetic resonance: basic principles /
]]>Place Hold on Impedance spectroscopy: emphasizing solid materials and systems /
]]>Place Hold on Ultra-violet and visible spectroscopy: chemical applications /
]]>Place Hold on Carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy of biological systems /
]]>Place Hold on Organic spectroscopy: principles and applications.
]]>Place Hold on Electronic absorption spectroscopy and related techniques /
]]>Place Hold on Organic spectroscopy:principles and applications.