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401. Weyl transforms / by Wong, M.W. Publication: New York : Springer Verlag , 1998 . xi,321p ; Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

402. Calculus: a liberal art / by Priestley, William McGowen. Publication: New York : Springer Verlag , 1998 . xi,321p ; Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

403. Vector calculus / by Matthews, P.C. Publication: New York : Springer Verlag , 1998 . xi,321p ; Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

404. Problems in algebraic number theory / by Esmonde, Jody. Publication: New York : Springer Verlag , 1999 . xi,321p ; Date: 1999 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (2),

405. Elements of functional analysis / by Hirsch, Francis. Publication: New York : Springer Verlag , 1999 . xi,321p ; Date: 1999 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

406. Mathematics in industrial problems / by Friedman, Avner. Publication: New York : Springer Verlag , 1998 . xi,321p ; Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

407. Applied geometry for computer graphics and CAD. by Marsh, Duncan. Publication: London : Springer Verlag , 1999 . xii, 288p.: Date: 1999 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

408. General topology / by Kelley, John L. Publication: New York : Springer Verlag , 1995 . xi,376p ; Date: 1995 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

409. Heavy metal stress in plants / by Prasad, M.N.V. Publication: New York : Springer Verlag , 1999 . xi,376p ; Date: 1999 Availability: No items available:

410. Ecology of mediteranean evergreen oak forests / by Roda, F and others. Publication: New York : Springer Verlag , 1999 . xi,376p ; Date: 1999 Availability: No items available:

411. Statistical physics / by Honerkamp, Josef. Publication: New York : Springer Verlag , 1998 . xi,376p ; Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

412. Tropical forest census plots: methods and results from Barro Colorado Island, Panama and a comparison with other plots / by Condit, Richard. Publication: New York : Springer Verlag , 1998 . xi,376p ; Date: 1998 Availability: No items available:

413. Advances in superconductivity X / by Osamura, K. Publication: New York : Springer Verlag , 1998 . xi,376p ; Date: 1998 Availability: No items available:

414. Mercury contaminated sites: characterization, risk assessment and remediation / by Ebinghaus, R and others. Publication: New York : Springer Verlag , 1999 . xi,376p ; Date: 1999 Availability: No items available:

415. Algebraic curves, algebraic manifolds and schemes / by Danilov, V.I. Publication: New York : Springer Verlag , 1998 . xi,376p ; Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

416. Problems and solutions for complex analysis / by Shakarchi, Rami. Publication: New York : Springer Verlag , 1999 . xxii,591p ; Date: 1999 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

417. Lie groups / by Duistermatt, J.J. Publication: New York : Springer Verlag , 1999 . xxii,591p ; Date: 1999 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

418. Easy as pi ?: an introduction in higher mathematics / by Ivanov, O.A. Publication: New York : Springer Verlag , 1998 . xxii,591p ; Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

419. Partial differential equations / by Shubin, M.A. Publication: New York : Springer Verlag , 1991 . xxii,591p ; Date: 1991 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

420. Algebra / by Hungerford, Thomas W. Publication: New York : Springer Verlag , 1974 . xxii,591p ; Date: 1974 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (4),

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