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121. Applied differential geometry / by Burke, William L. Publication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1985 . x,410p ; Date: 1985 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

122. Technical physics. by Bigliani, Raymond E. Publication: Boston : P.W.S Kent Publishing Company , 1989 . xii,894p.: Date: 1989 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (2),

123. Elements of nuclear physics / by Meyerhof, Walter E. Publication: New York : McGraw Hill Book Company , 1989 . x,741p ; Date: 1989 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

124. Course of theoretical physics / by Kompaneyets, A.S. Publication: Moscow : Mir Publishers , 1978 . x,741p ; Date: 1978 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

125. Theory and problems of college physics. by Bueche, Frederick J. Publication: New York : McGraw Hill Book Company , 1979 . v,341p. Date: 1979 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (3),

126. Basic technical physics / by Tippens, Paul. Publication: New York : McGraw Hill Book Company , 1983 . x,741p ; Date: 1983 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

127. Modern physics. by Williams, John E. Publication: New York : Holt Rinehart and Winston Inc , 1984 . xvi, 720p.: Date: 1984 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (3),

128. Physics: answer to Halliday and Resnick (part I & II) / by Singhal, K.N. Publication: New Delhi : Wiley Eastern Ltd , 1984 . x,741p ; Date: 1984 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

129. Elements of physics   Publication: New Delhi : Wiley Eastern L 1991 . x,741p.: Date: 1991 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (2),

130. Advanced physics. by Gibbs, Keith. Publication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1990 . 493p.: Date: 1990 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (3),

131. Fundamentals of physics / by Halliday, David. Publication: New York : John Wiley & Sons Inc , 1988 . x,741p ; Date: 1988 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (2),

132. University physics. by Hudson, Alvin. Publication: New York : Saunders College Publishing , 1990 . x,741p.: Date: 1990 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

133. Modern physics / by Krane, Kenneth S. Publication: New York : John Wiley & Sons Inc , 1983 . x,741p ; Date: 1983 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (3),

134. Electronic structure and the properties of solids: the physics of the chemical bond / by Harrison, Walter A. Publication: San Franscisco : W.H.Freeman and Company , 1980 . x,741p ; Date: 1980 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

135. Modern physics. by Rajam, J.B. Publication: New Delhi : S.Chand & Company Ltd , 1974 . xii,629p.: Date: 1974 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (2),

136. Pions and nuclei / by Ericson, Torleif. Publication: Oxford : Clarendon Press , 1988 . x,741p ; Date: 1988 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

137. Technical physics / by Selleck, Erwin. Publication: New York : Delmar Publishers Inc , 1991 . x,741p ; Date: 1991 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

138. Field theory hand book: including co-ordinate systems, differential equations and their solutions / by Moon, P. Publication: London : Springer Verlag , 1988 . x,741p ; Date: 1988 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

139. Success in physics / by Duncan, Tom. Publication: Albemarle : John Murray , 1985 . x,741p ; Date: 1985 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (3),

140. Meteorology: the atmosphere and the science of weather / by Moran, Joseph M. Publication: New York : Macmillan Publishing Company Inc , 1991 . x,741p ; Date: 1991 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (2),

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