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41. Non-linear optics and laser spectroscopy.   Publication: New Delhi : : Narosa Publishing House , , 2001 . xii,398p.: Date: 2001 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (2),

42. Atomic and molecular spectroscopy / by Gupta, Mool Chand. Publication: New Delhi : New Age International Publishers , 2001 . xxvi,805p ; Date: 2001 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

43. Non-linear optics and laser spectroscopy / by Abbi, S C. Publication: New Delhi : Narosa Publishing House , 2001 . xxvi,805p ; Date: 2001 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

44. Spectroscopy. by Patania, V B. Publication: New Delhi : Campus Books International , 2002 . xviii, 797p. Date: 2002 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (4),

45. Elements of spectroscopy / by Gupta, S L. Publication: Meerut : Pragati Prakashan , 1990 . viii, 302p ; Date: 1990 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

46. Spectroscopy:atomic and molecular / by Chatwal, Gurdeep. Publication: Bombay : Himalaya Publishing House , 1983 . xiv, 265p ; Date: 1983 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

47. Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy. by Banwell, Colin N. Publication: New Delhi : Tata McGraw Hill Publishing , 1994 . xii,308p.: Date: 1994 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (8),

48. Organic spectroscopy. by Singh, Ayodhya. Publication: New Delhi : Campus Books International , 2003 . viii,392p. Date: 2003 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (2),

49. Organic spectroscopy:principles and applications. by Jag Mohan. Publication: New Delhi : Narosa Publishing House , 2005 . xiii,548p.: Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (6),

50. Handbook of molecular spectroscopy / by Pooja Bhagwan, . Publication: New Delhi : International Scientific Publishing Academy , 2005 . 1380p. ; Date: 2005 Availability: No items available:

51. Introductory Raman spectroscopy / by Ferraro, John R. Publication: San Diego : Academic Press , 2005 . 302p. ; Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

52. Modern spectroscopy. by Hollas, Michael J Publication: England : John Wiley , 1987 . xii,332p. ; 23.3 cm. Date: 1987 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1), Kuvempu University Library (1),

53. Introduction to spectroscopy:guide for students of organic chemistry / by Pavia, Donald L. Publication: Australia : Thomson , 2001 . xxii,440p. ; Date: 2001 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (5),

54. Atlantic spectroscopy: introduction to the theory of hyperfine structure / by Andreev, Anatoli V. Publication: Delhi : Springer , 2006 . xii,242p. ; Date: 2006 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

55. Atomic and molecular spectroscopy: basic aspects and practical application / by Svanberg, Sune. Publication: Verlag : Springer , 2004 . 344p. ; Date: 2004 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

56. Encylopedia of spectroscopy and spectrometry / by Lindon, John C. Publication: San Diego : Academic Press , 2000 . NULL ; Date: 2000 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (2),

57. Infrared and Raman spectra fo inorganic and coordination compounds:part B / by Nakamoto, Kazuo. Publication: New York : A Wiley-Interscience Publication , 1997 . xii,523p. ; Date: 1997 Availability: No items available:

58. Molecular spectroscopy. by Mchale, Jeanne L. Publication: Delhi : Pearson Education , 2008 . xv,463p. Date: 2008 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (2),

59. Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy / by Sindhu, P S. Publication: New Delhi : New Age International Publishers , 2006 . x,221p. ; Date: 2006 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

60. Laser spectroscopy: basic concepts and instrumentation / by Demtroder, Wolfgang. Publication: New York : Springer , 2003 . x,221p. ; Date: 2003 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (2),

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