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1. Twelve principal Upanisads vol.1: ISA, Kena,Katha, Prasna, Mundaka, Mandukya, Taittiriya, Aitereya. Svetasvatara-Upanisads by Roer, E. Publication: New Delhi: D K Printworld, 1931 . x, 1106p. Date: 1931 Availability: No items available:

2. Twelve principal Upanisads vol.2: Brhadaranyaka-Upanisad by Roer, E. Publication: New Delhi: D K Printworld, 1931 . x, 1106p. Date: 1931 Availability: No items available:

3. Twelve principal Upanisads vol.3: Chandogya and Kausitaki-Brahmana Upanisads. by Roer, E. Publication: New Delhi: D K Printworld, 1931 . x, 1106p. Date: 1931 Availability: No items available:

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