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1. Location and environment of elderly population / by Golant, Stephen M. Publication: New York : John Wiley & Sons Inc , 1979 . 304p ; Date: 1979 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

2. Family life and socio-economic problems of the aged / by Vijaya Kumar, S. Publication: Delhi : Ashish Publishing House , 1991 . 239p ; Date: 1991 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

3. Retired and aging people: a study of their problems / by Sati, P.N. Publication: Delhi : Mittal Publications , 1988 . viii,529p ; Date: 1988 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (2),

4. Rural and urban aged: sociological perspective / by Randhava, Maninder Singh. Publication: New Delhi : National Book Organisation , 1991 . viii,529p ; Date: 1991 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

5. Elderly women: a study of the unorganised sector / by Geetha Gowri, R. Publication: New Delhi : Discovery Publishing House , 2003 . xviii, 797p ; Date: 2003 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

6. Older persons in India. by Joshi, Arvind K. Publication: New Delhi : Serials Publications , 2006 . xxiii, 263p. ; :. Date: 2006 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

7. Ageing:scientific perspective and social issues / by Papathi, K. Publication: New Delhi : APH Publishing Corporation , 2007 . x,394P ; Date: 2007 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

8. Aging India:perspectives, prospects and policies / by Liebig, Phoebe S. Publication: Jaipur : Rawar Publications , 2003 . 248p. ; Date: 2003 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

9. Problems of elderly: a sociological study of the aged in Karnataka by Chandrashekhar Publication: Shankaraghhatta: Kuvempu University, 2006 . xii,185p.; , Survey conducted to Study conducted to know the problems of aged in Karnataka Date: 2006 Availability: No items available:

10. Health and social status of an ageing population : a comparative study of urban and rural Bangalore by Vasantha Shetty, B Publication: Shankaraghatta: Kuvempu University, 2007 . xviii,182p.; Date: 2007 Availability: No items available:

11. Intergenerational programs: past, present and future / by Newman, Sally. Publication: Washington : Taylor and Francis , 1997 . 355p. ; Date: 1997 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

12. Aged in changing social system: their problems / by Behura, N.K. Publication: New Delhi : Discovery Publishing House , 2005 . xxxvi,252p. ; Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

13. Exercise programming for older adults / by Van Norman, Kay A. Publication: Champaign : Human Kinetics , 1995 . xviii,263p. ; Date: 1995 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

14. Active older adults:ideas for action / by Allen, Lynn. Publication: Champaign : Human Kinetics , 1999 . xii,523p. ; Date: 1999 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

15. Dimensions of ageing: Indian studies. by Sharma, K L., Publication: Jaipur: Rawat Publications, 2009 . xi, 347p. Date: 2009 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

16. Exercise and wellness for older adults: practical programming strategies. by Van Norman, Kay A. Publication: Chanmaign: Human Kinetics, 2010 . ix, 165p. Date: 2010 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

17. Problems of rural aged: a sociological perspective. by Vankayalapati, Venkateswarlu. Publication: Delhi: Kalpaz Publications, 2008 . 263p. Date: 2008 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

18. Ageing: scientific perspective and social issues. by Pappathi, K. Publication: New Delhi: A.P.H. Publisher, 2007 . xiii, 197p. Date: 2007 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

19. Ageing: scientific perspective and social issues. by Pappathi, K. Publication: New Delhi: A.P.H. Publishing , 2007 . xiii, 197p. Date: 2007 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

20. Aged in changing social system: their problems. by Behura, N K. Publication: New Delhi: Discovery Publishing House, 2005 . xvi, 209p. Date: 2005 Availability: Items available: Kuvempu University Library (1),

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